Wednesday, March 18, 2009

A logline a day...keeps the real writing away

Coming up with creative ideas is hard. Communicating them is harder. Knowing if they are any good is the ultimate goal.

To that end, I am going to publish one hopefully original logline a day on my blog. I say "hopefully original" because I haven't seen all the movies in the world and sometimes my mind plays tricks on me.

Here's where you come in. You've gotta tell me 1) if the idea's orignial, 2) if it's any good--I propose a scale of 1-5: 1 being, "Um...I think that would make a great made-for-TV-movie...for public access Tanasket, WA"; 5 being "You Genius, you're next Speilberg!"--oh, and 3) you've got to tell me why you like or dislike it.

So here's my first logline (a.k.a. brief movie description)...

Novelty Kill
Two bumbling brother's with records as long as your arm, who also hapeen to own a novelty shop specializing in peaceful but clearly anti-government art, purchase a government surplus jeep that unbeknownst to them contains smuggled nuclear materials. When the FBI shows up at their door the fun begins.

Let me know what you think.


Anonymous said...

I'd give it a 4. It sounds like it would be a wildly sick action movie but the storyline would need some crazy, yet believable, twists in order to keep interest.

Bradley said...

4 - I like the idea and have had the pleasure of hearing some further explanation of the plot. It reminds me of something in the vain of "The Rundown" take that as you may...